New Pagans
"The Seed, The Vessel, The Roots And All"
Album Review
Released: 19/03/21 - Review Date: 03/05/21
The first full album from New Pagans is both dark and melodic without being melancholic, a feat which few bands can pull off (think Manic Street Preachers during their "Gold Against The Soul" and "Holy Bible" era). The band consists of Conor McAuley (drums), Lyndsey McDougall (vocals), Cahir O'Doherty (guitar/vocals), Claire Miskimmin (bass), Allan McGreevy (guitar) and they hail from the bustling Belfast scene.
The opener is "It's Darker" which is a complex combination of post-punk energy and uplifting indie-rock that brilliantly sets the tone of what we are to expect from this album. "Bloody Soil" is a fast paced, angular song that draws you in to the chorus, never denying it's angst-driven tendencies. "Charlie Has The Face Of A Saint" is a more pop oriented tune, with swirling guitar riffs and sweet vocals, followed by the vulnerable "I Could Die" which ends on a somewhat paranoid-feeling crescendo, before the dark bass fuzz of "Lily Yeats" carries us away. A fast and driving drum beat sends us dancing through this track, into a dream-scape of hope and anticipation with twin inter-twining vocals from Lyndsey and Cahir that really captures the spirit of the song. Next up is the mellow and pretty love song-of-sorts "Admire." There is a slight feel of Sonic Youth coming through the next track: "Harbour" - and if you listen closely you can here a subtle mix of Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), Sugarcubes-era Bjork and a hint of Louise Wener (Sleeper) throughout Lyndsey's vocals across this album. "Yellow Room" is more foot-pounding indie-power pop that takes us up then down, left then right, constantly spinning us around, and keeping us guessing. "Ode To None" is another gritty, action-packed tune, and is followed by the wonderful "Natural Beauty" which tells the story of a "wild Irish girl" and "serious artist," that puts a smile on your face. The album closes with the cynical and catchy "Christian Boys," a strong finish to a fantastic record.
To sum up, this is such a well crafted collection of songs, with plenty of thought, energy and passion that are obvious in the song writing. The melodies flow effortlessly and there are no weak tracks throughout it's entirety, making this one of those records that will definitely not age or become stale over time.