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Paper Tigers
Paper Tigers (from L-R):
Stevey Henry (Bass)
Hayley Norton (Vocals)
Michael Smyth (Guitar)
Mickey T. (Drums)
Paper Tigers' impressive live performances continue to
grow their following
The second single release from Belfast band Paper Tigers, "Flames" was released in March 2020. It is a fast-paced, punk-fueled, track with a fantastic sing-a-long chorus. Here we talk to guitarist Michael Smyth, about the band.
ANDY - Thanks for taking time out to talk to us. Apart from yourself, who else is in Paper Tigers?
MICHAEL - So the band is made up of Hayley Norton on Vocals, Stevey Henry on bass, Mickey T on drums and myself on guitar.
ANDY - I've been listening to the new single a lot; it is really upbeat and energetic, with a definite style laid down by the band. How did you all get started together?
MICHAEL - So up until Paper Tigers I had always played in either super heavy,
really noisey or crazy fast bands, and just over the last few years I
had started to listen to a much broader spectrum of music. I've always
liked a lot of different kinds of music from Mastodon to James Brown,
Black Flag to Prodigy but I started to get really into pop, melodies
and hooks. Those weren't things that I ever really consciously took
into account when I was writing songs before. So I was listening to a
lot of Pale Waves, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, Wolf Alice and had recently
changed my whole guitar set up, I switched out my Orange half stack in
favour of a Fender DeVille (which ironically enough is 100 times
louder than the Orange!) and switched my Les Paul for a Mustang. Then I
just started writing these songs that were really melodic and really
focused on the song writing, melody and were really written with
vocals in mind, where as before vocals were always a secondary concern.
So I had 5 or 6 songs and I started trying to pull together a band. I
think there were 3 failed attempts just because people promise the
earth and then theyre flakey or really don't have the commitment. If
I'm going to do something I'm in it 100% so either get on board grab
an oar and start rowing or get in to the sea because you're dead weight.
But eventually I found a singer and then a mutual friend put me in
touch with Mickey for drums. So it finally was up off the ground but I
knew what I wanted for the band and I wasn't willing to settle - I
really wanted to capture lightning in a bottle with us, so for lots of
reasons people just didn't work out. Mickey plays in a band "Ethan
Hanna" with Stevey and he suggested him for bass. Then in a moment of
complete serendipity I came across a video of Hayley on Facebook
singing on "Irelands Got Talent," belting out a Led Zeppelin song; I was
totally blown away. So I pretty much stalked her down on Facebook and
discovered she lived in Belfast too. It just felt like was all meant to be.
So in the least creepy way possible I slid into her DM's and explained
things. So she joined in Sept 2019 and it was a real baptism of fire.
I knew that she'd either sink or swim. I was like: well we've a show, I
need you be ready in 8 weeks, you've to learn 6 songs and
write lyrics for 4 of them, also 2 weeks after that were going to
record. Needless to say she grabbed an oar and started rowing.
ANDY - So that was quite a whirlwind start to the band! It all seemed to happen so quickly?
MICHAEL - Yes, I started writing songs for the band in September 2018 and then I
think the first practice we had was January 2019 but then people came
and went we maybe played a few shows with a different line up but this
iteration of the band has been since Sept 2019. Since Hayley joined
weve really came out swinging. We have really gigged incessantly. We
released our first single 'Gucci Smiles' November 1st and haven't
stopped since then. We've been very lucky in the response we got to
the track. It opened a lot of doors for us in terms of supports, shows
and exposure. Its been really great to have the band grow and grow. So
now we've just released our second single 'Flames' and its got a great
response, we're getting a lot of radio play and press which is
ANDY - I can understand why. And where did you come up with such a unique name for the band?
MICHAEL - I always note down particular words or phrases that I see for song
titles or lyrics but I remember I had started writing the songs and
was putting the band together in my head; aesthetically what it should
be and how I want to present it to people. I read that phrase
somewhere and it was just one of those lightning bolt moments. I
remember I was like: that's it, that's the band name, long before there
was even a band to speak of! So by the time I had started to pull
people together I already had the name and a number of other aesthetic
choices settled on.
ANDY - It does seem like you are the main driving force and motivation for the band as a whole?
MICHAEL - Ha! Well I think we operate as a benevolent dictatorship. When I was
getting people for the band I was pretty clear in that it was my thing
but if you trust me here's what I want to do and I'll make these
things happen; just trust me. I understand that's a difficult stance to
take for some people and even more difficult for some people to follow
but I think over time I've put my money where my mouth is and
delivered on what I said I would do. Ultiamately the buck stops with
me but we do discuss things as a band and everyone will have input
when it makes sense for that to happen. We're pretty good at
communicating so that makes it a lot easier, no one is afraid to speak
I've been in bands since I was 14 and complete democracy in a band
just doesn't work, there needs to be someone to grab the wheel and
steer the ship otherwise nothing gets done and because there aren't
assigned roles then everything just flounders. I've watched bands I've
been in fall apart because of that so I wasn't prepared to let that
happen here. I manage the band as well so it just makes sense that
take on that role. Everyone seems happy with it so it works for us..or
maybe they just say that when I'm around haha!
ANDY - It is actually quite brave of you to take that stance, and if it works for the band, then keep at it. Now, you mentioned some of the artists you were listening to when you began the band, but what other influences have the band drawn upon?
MICHAEL - Everyone in the band is different - we all come from different places
musically which really adds to the sound and brings a lot of different
elements to the band. Hayley loves Gaga (she's obsessed with her!), where
as Mickey likes a lot of heavier stuff and hip hop. Stevey likes pop
punk. I'm into everything, my record collection looks totally
schizophrenic. As I mentioned before I'm really into pop so Taylor
Swift, Lorde, Lana, etc, but rock-wise (and more directly for the band) I
would say Pretty Girls Make Graves are a massive influence for me.
Wolf Alice, At The Drive-In, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Rites of Spring, Murder
City Devils, Nothing But Thieves, Nirvana...the list is endless. To be
honest I'm not sure how much of those influences you'd really hear in
the band which is probably a good thing but they're all in there.
ANDY - So, you also mentioned that you wrote most of the songs in the beginning. Is this still the case, now that the rest of the band have settled in together?
MICHAEL - I write the songs and then bring them to the band, so by that time it'll be finished front to back and then I've a pretty clear idea of what I want so I'll have ideas for drums, bass and vocals. But we'll play through the song and then the guys will put their stamp on it and we'll work through things to get the song
sounding the absolute best it can. I don't care where the idea comes
from as long as its the best for the song. So sometimes the song will
stay the same and other times someone will say 'oh, why don't we do this'
and we work on things together which is really really exciting in the
practice room and then all of a sudden the song is just elevated. So
the kernel of the idea will always start with me, but then we all get
our grubby hands on it and it can change into something even more
beautiful. Same with lyrics and melodies, sometimes i'll bring it in
fully formed and Hayley will make it work or we'll work through things
together. This is Hayleys first band (not that you'd be able to tell) but
the more confident she gets with experience the more her ideas just
get better and better. She's constantly stretching herself and her
vocals and it really changes the songs from what I consider to be at
their heart mostly punk rock songs into a whole other thing, shes an
incredible vocalist and front person.
ANDY - She is an excellent vocalist, and there are no signs of nerves during the live performances. In fact, considering the short time you have been together, you all perform with great confidence. This must be down to the amount of practice you put in? how often do you manage to rehearse?
MICHAEL - Well, were not Black Flag so its not everyday but we go in at least
twice a week with gigs on top. We really noticed the difference
between practicing once a week to twice a week - now if we only practice
once a week (for whatever reason) it seems like forever between getting
to play. We all do this for the absolute love of it, we all put so much
into the band, into trying to make it a success so it never seems like
work, this is our passion, this is what we love to do. I know I don't
just speak for myself on this but when we don't get to play we start
to get all angsty and weird. Like an addict waiting for their fix,
'y'all got any more of them practices?'
ANDY - I certainly know the feeling! And talking of gigs, during this strange time of lockdown (due to the virus) have you had to cancel many gigs?
MICHAEL - Unfortunately we've had to cancel quite a few. Our new single 'Flames'
came out on March 27th and we were due to play a lot of shows to help
promote this but all those have just fallen away now. So rather than
out promoting this face to face and tearing up stages up and down the
country were really pushing the online element this time. Which is
always an important part but this time more so. I've noticed the
difference as well, I think theres a misconception that the internet
and streaming is the way people find out about bands but when I look
at our numbers across the board our engagement isn't what it was when
were out playing live, interacting with people, doing it in front of
them. So if anything its encouraging to see that live really does make
a difference and that will always be the primary way that people will
get turned onto your band. Obviously online is great and it lets you
reach far and wide but people will always react better to watching you
sweat on stage and talking to people face to face after the show. So
we've lost money, we lost shows and worst of all we've lost time
together getting to create and do the thing we love. I've still been
writing and sending song ideas over but it'll be months before we're
actually able to work on any which is a little heart breaking.
ANDY - These are very weird times indeed. We would defintely want to see you in England when it has all cleared up. Have you managed to travel far before the lockdown?
MICHAEL - I think the farthest we've been so far is Dublin. We had plans to tour
the UK this year but those have been put on hold unfortunately. I
think there's been a few stand out shows for me: our single release was
amazing, we got to support "Life" on their Irish dates and got to play the
Academy with them. The Academy is a big place - there's a few rooms
and there were two shows on that night. When were carrying our gear in
there were these two guys sitting there smoking I was just like 'hey
man what's up?' Then later, after the show, we were carrying our gear
back out and the security guys opened the door for us; there was all
these girls standing there who went from looking super super excited
to the most disappointed! It turned out the guy I casually said 'hey' to
earlier was this guy called Aitch - the other show upstairs was his and
appartently he's kinda famous. I didn't know and just breezed past him
thinking 'you could've offered to help with the gear brah!' But watching
those girls' eyes just light up, to then being like 'who are this bunch of
sweaty ass guys?!?' That was hilarious; a good way to keep the ego in
check haha
ANDY - Always a wake up call! That's the nature of the beast, I guess. What do you make of the current music scene?
MICHAEL - In Northern Ireland/Ireland right now its pretty amazing. I also put
shows on under my "Old Crows Promotions" banner so I get the chance to
not only put on some of the best bands around but I get to play with
them too. In Belfast alone we have such a wealth of talent here its
stupid. Some of my favourites would be Fagash McCann, Wynona Bleach,
New Pagans then down south there's a band called Havvk that I love.
I'm a big believer in local scenes and local talent, there's so much
on your door step before you even start to look out on a global scale.
There are so many great bands around today its pretty hard to keep up
to be honest I really like Sleigh Bells, Wolf Alice, Pale Waves, Royal
Blood, this band Slow Crush (who are like heavy fuzzy shoegaze stuff -
just amazing), Metz, Nothing but Thieves, it just goes on and on. No
matter what flavour you want there's something out there for you.
There'll always be like the bands that are really pushed by press and
more main stream even in the rock world and then there'll always be
those underground bands you got to hunt a little harder for and both
camps of bands will have merit in there, you just got to go and look
for stuff. I would always encourage people to continually seek out new
music. those favourite bands of yours from 20/30 years ago are cool, but theres always something new and exciting coming up so the
classics never go out of style - but I'm a seeker, I gotta keep on
ANDY - I am constantly blown away by the quality of new music that I keep discovering, and it fills me with hope that more bands will get noticed and gain more of a following. What do you think we can all do to make this happen?
MICHAEL - Work together! Its as simple as that, stop any ridiculous eliteism (I'm
more metal that you or I'm more punk than you or you're wearing the
wrong shoes to be punk). That's all juvenile idiocracy; music should be
inclusive not divisive. Bands and people need to work closer together,
I know everyone wants to be a success in whatever form that may take
for you and protect their own interests but we should be helping each
other, not shaking hands with one hand with a knife behind the back in the
other. That's why I promote shows and interview bands for my blog and
try and provide resources or contacts for bands. I try and set people
up with good photographers, videographers, reputable promoters, if a
band wants help im there for them. I'm not saying I know it all or I'm
the best - far from it - but at least I'm willing to help. Maybe it comes
from being from a punk rock background and what that was truly meant
to mean. Punk rock guilt is another idiot concept as well. You've set
me off here dude!
ANDY - Sorry about that. I completely agree that working together and that old punk DIY attitude is the way to go. So, once this pandemic is over, what does the future hold for Paper Tigers?
MICHAEL - I'm a planner, so I have until the end of this year planned and I've
definitely a good idea of what I want to happen next year. Corona
has scuppered some of those plans, so we're waiting to see how things
pan out. We just want to continue to grow as a band. So far we've been
really lucky in that we continually see attendance at our shows grow
and we've got a great reaction online to our music. So I would hope to
see that continue to grow. "Gucci Smiles" and "Flames" were the product of
the same recording session so we have one more song left from those
sessions that we should have out before the end of the year. Its
really different again, its a much darker track. Next year we'll have
some new music out and on a bigger scale, so a few singles and an EP.
Some of these songs we've been playing live and I really feel this
batch of songs is really us finding our sound and settling into being
a band. Flames is definitely a track that hints towards that sound.
The plan is to tour the UK and Ireland as well, but who knows what
could happen between now and then. We might get attacked by Godzilla!!
ANDY - So you have plans for recording new material, then?
MICHAEL - We are actually booked into record this summer and its something we're incredibly excited about, we've put a lot of work into this set ofsongs and it really shows. So we were in the process of rehearsing and really scrutinising every little thing on them but again that is all on hold. We hope well still get into record this summer so it could be acase of turning in to Black Flag following this and holing up in thepractice room for days on end!
ANDY - I am looking forward to that. But let's stay with the present moment, for now - tell us a bit more about "Flames," and what it is all about?
MICHAEL - It was the first song that Hayley wrote the lyrics for, when she
joined, so it's really nice to have something out that has her
stamp on it. "Flames" is about seduction; it's about lust and desire, sex,
drugs and rock and roll. My chemical days are long since gone but I
can relate to the other two! It's about wanting someone so much and
essentially making yourself irrestible to them - it's almost like a
Siren's song. Its that rush through your veins, the feeling in your
stomach, the blood is up! I think at it's core it's a primal instinct.
ANDY - Very interesting! Now, one final question before we wrap up this interview: there was a great video accompanying "Gucci Smiles" so can we expect one for "Flames" too?
MICHAEL - This was one of the things that corona took from us! I had a great
video planned and had things in place, then all this hit and we've just
had to wait. There may still be one if I can find a way to make it
work. I'm in the process of figuring that out and it's looking good, so
fingers crossed but these are indeed uncertain times.
ANDY - Thank you for taking time to answer these questions, and I will look forward to the UK tour, and more music once this crisis has passed.
Take care, and stay safe.
Paper Tigers have grown stronger with every performance
Paper Tigers have gelled as a group in such a short space of time
Official video of their previous single release "Gucci Smiles"
"Siren" Live footage recorded by a fan, at Cuckoo, Belfast, 2020
Gucci Smiles Video
Siren (Live) Video
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