So, finally, here it is!
This is The Uncarved Block, a new online magazine dedicated to unsigned bands and those on independent record labels, trying to make an impression on a disillusioned music scene!
I aim to offer reviews of EPs and albums, videos and gigs, giving the reader/listener a chance to find new acts that are working hard to shape their music and create a following.
These reviews try to convey to the reader what the style of music each band plays, and any comparisons are not offered in order to say this band is a copy of another, but merely to set each band apart. For example - Sonic Youth do not sound like Pink Floyd, or Radiohead do not sound like Black Sabbath!
So when I suggest that Electric Retro Spectrum sound a bit like Boss Hog, Sonic Youth and Pixies, we do not mean they are the same, but that if you like the latter bands then you'll love the new band! Get it?

So, I hope you enjoy this, the prototype edition (which has taken longer to get up and running than I intended - but now the hard work is done, I can concentrate on the fun part: reviewing some great music).
As the months progress I aim to improve and update the website, and any comments (please be constructive!) are most welcome. What content would you like to see? Let me know via the contacts page, or on Facebook.
Thank you for your time,